So, grades for my Spring 2014 came in, and I surpassed my expectations! Yay! (:
I somehow actually fulfilled my goals to:
a) Maintain or improve my GPA
b) Get at least a B in Chem (Chem is the bane of my existance!)
I improved my GPA (by a wee 0.01 points, but hey, that's better than nothin') and got (after many office hours and months spent struggling through homework and quizzes) that B.
My mom was really proud of me, and being the awesome lady she is, let me splurge on art supplies.
By splurge, I mean spend $30
I always feel guilty if I spend too much, so yay for shopping on a budget.
Thankfully, Micheal's was having some awesome random discounts which I gladly took advantage of.
Here's my new friend, Manny the Manikin. He used to be $9.99, but I found him on sale for $2.99.
These Prismacolor Turquoise graphite pencils (from H to 9B) were originally $16.99, but they were on sale for $9.99.
Some Tortillons (for blending my sketches) were on sale from $1.29 to $0.79.
These two American painter brushes (Left: size 6, Round; Right: size 3/8, Angled) (each around $4.50) were buy one get one free!
This snazzy little grey-tinted, cardboard sketchbook (8 thick pages) was originally $4.99, but I found it in the clearance bin for $1.24. I don't know what the hell I'll do with it, but the textured, grey paper could make for a cool acrylic project.

This Canson Watercolor sketchbook was
$6.99 for 15 sheets. Pretty pricey, but the paper's really nice quality. I already started painting with it.
I actually found this last little Canson sketchbook at a Goodwill. It was in perfect condition. It would have cost $6-$8 at Micheal's but I snagged it for $1.
I do not recommend using sketchbook paper for watercolors xD The paper gets too crinkley....